
There are several possible reasons for this:1. The person may have a strong sense of empathy and is able to understand and relate to the emotions and experiences of others. This can make them more attuned to the needs and feelings of others, leading to a greater desire to help.2. They may have had personal experiences or challenges in their own life that have made them more compassionate and understanding towards others who are going through similar situations.3. They may have been raised in an environment that emphasized the importance of helping others and being kind and compassionate.4. They may have a natural inclination towards helping others and find fulfillment and satisfaction in doing so.5. They may have a strong sense of justice and a desire to make the world a better place, leading them to take action to help others.Overall, there can be a combination of factors that contribute to a person's strong desire to help others, and it can vary from person to person.
